Integrative Cancer Approach

The Path to Health  Cancer Centre offers a multifaceted and integrated  approach  to the prevention and treatment of cancer in  all its stages.  This includes:

Integrative Diagnostic Testing – to ascertain exactly the nature, character and stage of the illness by means of conventional blood test and investigations, live blood analysis, cancer cytological testing, allergy testing, immune testing.

Integrative Cancer Treatments using well researched and effective natural medicinal substances and therapies that contain cell proliferation and enhance immune function – Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy, High dose Vitamin C and mineral infusions, intravenous Ozone therapy, Mistletoe injections, Botanicals, immune boosters and targeted supplements

Environmental cleansing – removing external and internal harmful agencies that upset the biological balance in favour of cancer cell proliferation – excessive cold, heat, radiation of harmful energies; toxic substances in the air, food and drink, in medicinal and body care products, detergents in home and work place, mercury in fillings; biological agents such as mould, dust mites, parasites and focal infections which cause chronic inflammation.

Lifestyle changes – where diet, drinking water, exercise, adequate sleep, recreation and creative activities, optimally support healthy protective systems

Exploring the inner psycho-social factors – which  as chronic irritants either activate cell proliferation or weaken immune function, as well as finding the skills to remove these irritants.

Multi-disciplinary Therapies – that support cancer containment such as Acupuncture, Massage, Cranio sacral therapy, Hydro colonic therapy, nutritional therapy,

Sono Photo Dynamic therapyis set to become a central and novel part of an integrative cancer therapy programme in Cape Town. This is a non invasive, non toxic therapy using light and sound to activate a pre-ingested light sound sensitive substance which directly destroys tumour cells and strenthens the immune system.

Integrated support for conventional cancer therapy – to protect against the damaging side effects of these treatments and to reduce the need for high dosages of these treatements

Collaboration with Conventional and Integrative Oncologists – established over many years, this network of cancer specilaists  in Switzerland, Germay, United Kingdom and the USA as well as in Cape Town,  has honed our 35 year experience treating cancer and supports our work in treating individual patients



Sono Photo Dynamic Therapy is set to become a central part of an integrative cancer therapy programme in Cape Town.  It can be used in conjunction with conventional cancer treatments enabling lower dosage chemotherapy regimes and therefore reduced side effects;  or it can be used as part of a non invasive holistic supportive treatment programme together with other treatments.  Such a programme will look at removing all external and internal environmental agencies that upset the biological balance in favour of cancer cell proliferation.  It will support a positive lifestyle where diet, drinking water, exercise, adequate sleep, recreation and creative activities, optimally support healthy protective systems.  It will provide well-researched medicinal substances in the form of Botanicals, High dose Vitamin C and mineral infusions, intravenous Ozone therapy, Mistletoe injections, immune boosters and targeted supplements to contain cell proliferation.   And finally it will explore the inner psycho-social factors which work as chronic irritants to either activate cell proliferation or weaken cell containment, as well as provide the skills to remove these irritants.