Online Store Coming Soon

The Path to Health Centre runs a dispensary that is licenced to compound natural medicines and to sell these to patients of the Centre. Over many years in general practice, Dr Raoul has created a number of effective natural remedial formulations based on his training in European-based natural remedial formulations based on his training in European-based medicine, where he learnt the art of harvesting, preparing and blending remedial substances taken from the natural kingdoms of minerals, metals, plants and animals.Many of these remedies were previously available in this country through the manufacturing houses of the Weleda and Wala but are sadly no longer available in South Africa. These formulations are an endeavour to provide again some of these precious remedies. Dr Goldberg’s formulations treat specific temperaments and constitutions,organ systems and essential psycho-physiological patterns and dispositions: e.g. too much or too little light, warmth, air, water or solidity; excess or deficient tone, boundaries, contraction or expansion; too much or too little sensitivity, reactivity, containment, introversion or extraversion.

These remedial combinations make it possible to treat patients in an individualized way, addressing deeper lyng patterns than simply the superficial symptoms of illness.

A number of tried and tested formulations are available for in- house purchase (on-line store coming soon) at very affordable costs. We mix specific ingredients into these foundational remedies for personalized treatments:

  • Dr Goldberg’s Formulations
  • Remedial Metal powders
  • Metal Tea Blends
  • Elemental Remedies
  • Kits
  • Travelling
  • Pregnancy
  • First Aid
  • Pre- and Post Op
  • Detox